Multisori Certified Furniture

At Multisori, our goal is to transform the Montessori experience from overwhelming, frustrating and exhausting to enjoyable, hassle-free and fun.

For over 5 years, we have provided Earth's only MI-informed, authentic Montessori curriculum. In that time, the volume of "Montessori" products that have become available is mind-boggling. And, most of them aren't truly Montessori-aligned.

That's why we've created a quick and easy way for you to be confident about the furniture you buy for your Montessori home, co-op, daycare or school. We call it "Multisori Certification." The purpose of Multisori Certification is to allow us to evaluate "Montessori" furniture for you, so that you can make a quick, easy and informed decision about Montessori furnishings, saving you valuable time and effort.

Below you will find the Montessori furniture we have reviewed and determined to meet our high standards. These are Montessori-aligned products you can be confident buying; any of them will enhance your Montessori home, co-op, daycare or school in a meaningful way.

If you would like to apply for Multisori Certification for your own Montessori furniture or product, please contact us at