The Multisori Language Arts curriculum is focused on creating confident, joyful readers, and is intended to be used by both primary and lower elementary aged students. Our Montessori language arts curriculum does NOT follow the Montessori Scope and Sequence. Instead, it streamlines and lightens the load of teaching children to read and write using a multi-sensory, kinesthetic approach in your Montessori home, co-op or school environment.
Montessori Language Arts Program
The Multisori Language Arts curriculum is broken into 3 parts:
- Montessori Phonics
- Montessori Reading
- Montessori Writing
One hallmark of an authentic Montessori prepared environment is beauty, and Multisori’s Language Arts program is no exception. These full-color, visually appealing materials make it easy to prepare an attractive Montessori learning environment that will appeal to your youngster(s). Our Montessori language arts curriculum is customizable, so you can focus on the unique ages, stages and needs of your learner(s).
It's no surprise to most adults that young children thrive with hands-on, movement-based learning that stimulates all of the senses. That's just one reason why Multisori's MI-informed, Montessori curriculum allows you to quit the overwhelm, embark on a joyful journey with Montessori education, easily create a Montessori way of learning and set the stage for a lifetime of success in your Montessori homeschool, co-op, daycare or school.
PART 1: MONTESSORI PHONICS (AGES 2-5): Learning Letter Sounds - Currently Offline for Revision
Multisori's 18-week Phonics Module teaches children letter sounds slowly and playfully, using movement-based sound games as the primary methodology. Even very young children can begin to develop skills with this curriculum, such as phonetic awareness, strengthening their pincer grasp, handwriting readiness, and learning to form letters.
There’s also an opportunity for learning in other areas such as movement, art, order, fine motor skills and gross motor skills, which are all interwoven into this Montessori program.
Like all of our products, our phonics curriculum does not assume that you have specific Montessori classroom materials or training. It is visually engaging and works for multiple age groups. Most importantly, our phonics curriculum supports multi-sensory, kinesthetic learning and is streamlined to save time and be fun!
The goal of our Montessori approach to phonics is to provide a solid foundation on which children can build their reading journey. The order in which the letters are presented and the included activities reflect the following principles:
- Continuous, rather than stop, sounds are introduced first. These sounds can easily be said and combined by most children.
- More commonly used letters are introduced first.
- Short vowel "Aa" is introduced during the first week, so that children can immediately begin sounding out "a" CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) words in combination with other letter sounds they know.
- New sounds are taught in small steps, consolidating previous sounds.
- Repetition is vital to long term memory of letter sounds, and therefore, review weeks are built into the program regularly.
- Visually similar letter sounds such as "d" and "b" are taught separately to avoid confusion.
- Research shows that children learn best through play with integrated movement. So, our movement-based sound games are key! Therefore, students work through kinesthetic activities during each week in which new letter sounds are introduced:
- Montessori Inspired Game 1
- Montessori Inspired Game 2
- Art
- Kinesthetic Learning Activities
During review weeks, learners secondarily focus on fine motor skills, including learning to hold a pencil with a pincer grasp and making use of sandpaper letters. Multisori provides: upper and lower case, as well as cursive and print, sandpaper letters.
Children love our full-color picture cards, which include realistic, bright, beautiful images to illustrate the individual letter sound being taught.
Six picture cards are included for each letter, for a total of 156 picture cards, which are provided on 24 pages. In addition, art worksheets, sandpaper letters, review activities and complete presentation instructions are included. The program is provided in both print and cursive, so you can use one or both at your discretion.
PART 2: MONTESSORI READING (AGES 3-9): Learning to Read
Your young learners can quickly become strong, confident readers with the Multisori reading program. It provides a multi-sensory, comprehensive resource that is:
- Complete
- Montessori aligned
- Phonics based
- Whole language compliant
- Aligned with the Dwyer method
- Streamlined to ensure no unnecessary, boring repetition
- Ideal for on track & advanced readers
- Feels like play for your child
- Designed specifically for homeschoolers!
Multisori's MI-informed, Montessori Reading Program is straightforward and easy to use. You can use the program with both primary and lower elementary-aged children. You don't need a teaching certification or background to benefit. Its rainbow levels provide a clean and sequential structure to learning and internalizing the phonetic elements of the English language.
Children love our Montessori approach to reading! They start with Level Red and work their way through the rainbow to Level Violet. Along the way, they track their progress using a fun and simple roadmap.
This reading program also includes both cursive and print moveable alphabets, word cards and sentence cards so you can use either (or both!) at your discretion.
Students work through four steps within each level that encourage comprehension based on visualization:
- Students attempt to spell the words displayed in the picture cards.
- Students match the word cards to the picture cards.
- Students use the word cards as flashcards to read the words aloud.
- Students read the sentence cards.
The cards use beautiful images to illustrate each word, as well as large print that highlights the phonetic element used in the word. All of the cards are color-coded to match up with each of the 7 rainbow-colored levels.
PART 3: MONTESSORI WRITING (AGES 4-9): Writing Practice that Reinforces Reading Concepts
For Montessori homeschools, co-ops, daycares and schools using the Multisori Reading Program, the Multisori Writing Supplement is an easy way to harmonize reading and writing. The Multisori Writing Supplement follows along and integrates seamlessly with the Reading Program. It is a simple way to reinforce the reading concepts being presented while simultaneously helping your children begin learning writing skills. It truly makes teaching handwriting a breeze and even gives you a head start on spelling instruction.
With our Montessori writing supplement, you’ll get your student(s) comfortable with writing letters and build a firm foundation for the writing process.
As your child works through the four steps of Multisori reading, the Writing Supplement can be used as a bridge between steps 2 and 3, or as a review tool. The only additional tool your child will need to use in the Multisori Writing Supplement is a pencil. The Writing Supplement is provided in both print and cursive, so you can use either (or both!) at your discretion. This reading program works beautifully in Montessori homeschools, co-ops, day cares and schools.
Multisori's MI-informed Montessori curriculum is available in two formats:
1. Multisori Digital: Immediately delivers curriculum to your e-mail address as a PDF file
2. Multisori Premium: Includes Multisori Digital AND, in 3-6 weeks, delivers professionally printed, perforated and bound curriculum volumes to your doorstep.
Imagine your learners bouncing into a Montessori learning environment you prepared with ease, their eyes wide with delight. They're eager to learn, and you are well-rested, confident, and truly prepared. You have everything you need at your fingertips because you invested in Earth’s only MI-informed, authentic Montessori curriculum that is purposefully designed to make your life easier.
You and your student(s) joyfully begin another day of exploration and adventure, where their individual gifts are truly embraced and supported. Hassle-free, accessible, authentic Montessori can be yours with Multisori! Download your free Multisori curriculum sample now and experience the synergy of Multiple Intelligences and Montessori combined.
Included in your Montessori curriculum sample are these no-strings-attached gifts:
- Simplified Montessori scope & sequences for all subject areas,
- "Understanding Montessori" philosophy & practical tips,
- "Understanding Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory" philosophy & practical tips,
- "How to Use This Curriculum" quick start guide, and
- "Cultivating Concentration in Children" easy, actionable steps to build focus in even the youngest learners.