Montessori, Unburdened

Exceptional curriculum & furniture for homeschoolers, coops, daycares & schools

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Montessori Curriculum

MULTI(ple intelligences + montes)SORI

Multisori delivers a synergistic package for modern-day Montessori educators: Montessori’s strong, empirically supported pedagogy plus Multiple Intelligence Theory's unrivaled confidence-boosting customization. This combination produces highly effective, enjoyable and personalized learning. The result is happy, confident, high achieving kids who love to learn.

Originally designed as Montessori homeschooling curriculum, Multisori's world-wide success in Montessori homes quickly placed Multisori in the spotlight as the ideal solution for other non-traditional Montessori programs as well. That’s why Montessori homeschool coops, Montessori-inspired daycares, and Montessori aligned prechool and primary programs now recognize Multisori as the most effective, affordable and accessible way to bring the power of Montessori to their programs as well.

After 5+ years of success in thousands of Montessori learning environments worldwide, we know that Multisori graduates love learning and are typically 2 years ahead of their traditionally educated peers upon program completion. We also know that parents and guides love us because we offer unparalleled support to our grown-ups at the lowest prices in the industry. Our authentic, engaging Montessori curriculum is simple, authentic, time-saving and fun. With Multisori, both you and your student(s) will want to "do school"!

Multisori isn't just for Montessori homeschoolers! For bulk licensing & pricing inquiries, please e-mail us at

Look Inside a real multisori homeschool

What does Multisori's curriculum include?

Our exceptional Montessori curriculum includes:

☑️ a complete curriculum with everything you need to educate all of your primary-aged students, as opposed to just providing links to more "Montessori stuff" to buy, research to do, books to read, "trainings" to attend and mind-numbing Montessori jargon,

☑️ Four years of authentic Montessori curriculm for ages 2.5 - 6.5, with reading and writing through age 9,

☑️ Seven subject areas, including math, science, practical life, sensorial, geography (culture), art, & language arts (phonics, reading & writing),

☑️ Simplified Montessori scope and sequences that allow you to plan your lessons quickly and easily while ensuring a well-rounded education,

☑️ All necessary manipulatives in low-prep, 2D format, so you never have to search for or purchase printables or books,

☑️ Customizable lesson plans that are uncomplicated, Montessori-aligned, and printable on demand,

☑️ A wide variety of extension activities to support your child's unique learning style and intelligences,

☑️ Supply lists that are hyperlinked to suggested products for quick and easy online purchase,

☑️ Simple, straightforward shelving instructions,

☑️ Scripted presentation instructions,

☑️ A wide variety of engaging activities your student(s) will love,

☑️ Check-list style record keeping that is streamlined to be simple & save time (perfect for state reporting),

☑️ Like-minded community with thousands of fellow Multisorians, and

☑️ Ongoing, personal support from the curriculum developer.

review our science curriculum

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Simplicity, delivered

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Imagine the kids bouncing into a Montessori learning environment you prepared with ease, their eyes wide with delight. They're eager to learn, and you are a well-rested, confident, and truly prepared adult.

You have everything you need at your fingertips because you invested in Earth’s only authentic, MI-informed Montessori curriculum that makes your life easier, instead of one that just provides links to more "stuff" to buy, books to read, "trainings" to attend and mind-numbing Montessori jargon.

You and the children joyfully begin another day of exploration and adventure, where their individual gifts are truly embraced and supported. Hassle-free, accessible Montessori can be yours with Multisori!

Download your free Multisori curriculum sample now and experience the synergy of Multiple Intelligences and Montessori combined. Our simplified Montessori scope and sequences are our gift to you, no strings attached.

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    Understanding Montessori education shouldn’t overwhelm you, but if you’re feeling lost getting started with Montessori at home, know you’re not alone. The truth is that there is an incredible amount of information to sift through about Montessori, Montessori homeschooling and early education in general. But, the basic principles of the Montessori philosophy, established by Dr. Maria Montessori, are easy to understand. A great place to gather information on the basics of Montessori is here on our blog. But in general, know that the Montessori Method is a child-led method of education that encourages independence, child-centered focus, and hands-on learning. It focuses on the whole child, emphasizes kinesthetic, multi-sensory learning and leads kids on a lifelong journey of independence and determination. 

    Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) recognizes that students possess diverse types of intelligences—such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic—and emphasizes teaching strategies that address these varied ways of learning.

    The Theory of Multiple Intelligences complements and modernizes an already strong Montessori pedagogy by aligning with its child-centered, hands-on, and holistic approach to education. Both methodologies value individuality and emphasize experiential learning, creating a natural synergy. By integrating Gardner’s insights, Montessori principles can expand to further embrace the diversity of human potential. 

    You’ve come to the right place! Here at Multisori, you’ll find dozens of resources to help you implement a authentic, customized Montessori way of teaching in your home or homeschool co-op. From our blog posts to our free 161-page Montessori homeschool curriculum sample, Multisori is here to help make understanding and using a Montessori approach simple.

    Our Montessori primary homeschooling curriculum includes prek-3, prek-4, kindergarten and 1st grade resources. This allows your child to learn and grow at their own pace, one of the hallmarks of an authentic Montessori experience.

    Our Montessori Toddler curriculum, designed for ages 18-36 months, is coming soon!

    Our Montessori homeschooling materials include straightforward lesson presentation instructions, printable manipulatives for ALL lessons, and ongoing support, both in the form of a private Facebook group and directly from our curriculum developer herself - she's a Montessori homeschooling mom, too!

    The research is clear:

    Homeschool students consistently score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of education or household income.

    And, Montessori homeschooled students perform above average on social, emotional, and psychological development measures.

    Further, new research indicates that a Montessori approach to primary education (ages 3-6) may actually lead to increased happiness and personal satisfaction later in life!

    If you are embarking on your homeschooling journey, utilizing a Montessori approach is a no-brainer!

    An MI-informed Montessori curriculum not only enhances academic achievement but also nurtures confidence, creativity, and a love for learning. The synergy between Montessori’s philosophy and Gardner’s MI theory offers a powerful blueprint for reimagining education. Together, they provide a model that nurtures the full spectrum of human potential while respecting and celebrating individual differences.

    Multisori delivers a synergistic package for modern-day homeschoolers: Montessori’s strong, empirically supported pedagogy plus Multiple Intelligence Theory's unrivaled customization and engagement for children. The result is confident, gritty, high achieving kids who love to learn.

    That's why Multisori is THE premier Montessori homeschooling curriculum available today. It's easy to follow, customizable, high quality and recommended by certified Montessorians and homeschooling parents alike! We invite you to check out our more-than-150 five star google reviews today.

    Multisori's Montessori homeschooling curricula enables parents to provide an authentic Montessori education at home while also capitalizing on the strengths of Multiple Intelligence Theory. Using our Montessori homeschool curriculum, your primary-aged child will learn to read, master elementary mathematics and understand the fundamentals of science, art and so on. Just like in a traditional Montessori classroom, your child will benefit from practical life and sensorial activities which align directly to the traditional Montessori scope and sequence. And, just like in all Multiple Intelligence Theory curricula, your child's strengths and passions will be uniquely supported. Think of Multisori’s curriculum offerings as the essentials of your Montessori homeschool, with a side of awesome.

    On the other hand, thematic unit studies such as Multisori’s Solar System Unit Study should be thought of as fun and exciting enrichment opportunities. These should be carefully selected to align with your child’s individual interests. Unit studies should never take the place of curriculum, but can be added to mix things up and pursue your child's passions. Look specifically for Monessori aligned unit studies that have activities hyperlinked to sensitive periods, so you can get the most out of the additional expenditure you'll be making, above and beyond the cost of your core curriculum.

    ***Current Delivery Timelines for our printed and bound Montessori Homeschooling curriculum are 4-6 Weeks from Date of Order***

    Absolutely! The Montessori method, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is renowned for its multi-sensory approach to education. Central to the Montessori philosophy is the belief that children learn best through active, hands-on exploration and discovery. As such, kinesthetic learning is deeply ingrained in every aspect of the Montessori learning environment. Further, the Multiple Intelligences Theory also supports the idea of providing children with different ways to learn, so that all children can be supported. Remember that you don't have to use ALL 3,000
    + pages of curricula. You can and should choose the activities that work best for your child. With Multisori, your kinesthetic learner will be able to engage their entire body and all senses in the learning process.